Come and join us for some summer gardening fun! Theres so much produce to harvest all over town and plenty of lovely jobs to keep us all busy...
Where to find us this month ...
July 2nd
Beside the Burton Art Gallery in Victoria Park
Sunday 7th
Old Town Park
There will be lots of planting to do, watering and a bee survey.
Sunday 14th
Riverbank Car Park
Lots of planting to do, vegetables to harvest and a bee survery...
Tuesday 16th
Riverbank Car Park
Lots of planting to do, vegetables to harvest and a bee survery...
Sunday 21st
Honestone Street Car Park
Come and join us at any time throughout the day to help with a big refresh of the Honestone car park beds. The beds here had been kindly tended to by the Bideford Sustainability Group for some years, they are no longer able to look after this space and we are keen to see their hard work maintained.
Tuesday 23rd
Bridge St Car Park
Theres lots of fresh herbs to harvest and maybe peas too! Come and lend a hand with the gardening and see if the grapes are ready...
Sunday 28th July
Riverbank Car Park
Meet at the front of the Riverbank Car park at 10am
Theres lots to do across all our beds in the car park and victoria park, planting, harvesting and a bee survey too, come and lend a hand.